
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


A new friend in my bible study one night said, "Do what you do and do it well."
I love it and have been living that mantra every day since.
Seriously, we work so hard to have it all perfect for whomever we are aiming to please that day and it's not the true us. 
Own what you know you can do and forget the rest.
It has helped me chisel away at the image I break my back to portray even to myself.
My house will not always be clean.
I do not have good face hygiene routines.
I don't wake up before my kids, get dressed, and make my bed.
Ugh. So much to live up to!

God endows us with gifts.
Gifts so we can make him known.
Gifts to love. To serve. To guide us.
Exhibit God with your unique gifts.

When you magnify your Maker with your gifts,
when your contribution increases God's reputation,
your days will grow suddenly sweeter.

1 comment:

Wynne Elder said...

Love that. Great reminder!