
Sunday, January 31, 2010

places i love

I Heart Faces: Places I LOVE
This week's challenge is dedicated to the most romantic places in your life.
Camp Mystic for girls represents romance in the best way for me and my husband. It is where our relationship began and now resides.
We spent our romantic honeymoon in Belize.
The top of any ski mountain with my husband is romance at it's highest height. We are the same type of skiers and are able to keep up with each other on the slopes, which is rare to find in a ski buddy. I love it. This picture was taken in Santa Fe last year over Valentine's Day. I was 6 weeks pregnant!
The floor with my baby.
The romance that has emerged with my little boy is unrivaled by any other in this world. I love him unconditionally. He makes me smile, cry, play, and laugh like no one ever has before. He makes me feel happy, sad, insecure, and joy that I have never felt before. I can be myself around him at all times, and he is always there for me.
It is the romance of motherhood.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful family! Great photos!

Lena said...

Aw what a lil cutie!
Wonderful shots, I love the one from Belize.

Alex and Emily said...

Cute photos! Never been to Mystic but had many friends go! -E