Edward has always been a great eater when it comes to solid foods. Lately though, our meals have been consumed with spoon wars. Every time I try to give him a bite he grabs for the spoon and chews on it until I pry it from his grip.
While he chews on the spoon, I try to feed him a bite with another spoon, but he quickly realizes I have introduced a new spoon, and demands it in his mouth.
Note the different spoons in the pictures.
"Mom, you better give me that spoon."
There are obvious issues with these spoon wars, but the main issue is the amount of nutrition that ends up on him rather than in him.
AH! i love the new blog page...not sure how long you've had it up since i'm always reading in reader...it is ADORABLE!!! and this post cracked me up with the spoon wars...the last pic of him in the sink is to die for...i miss that sweet face! xo
Look at that mess....he is such a DOLL!!!!
These pics are so adorable. There is no bib big enough to handle that mess!!
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