Everyday we would nicely shoo the mama dove away (always crossing our fingers that she would come back to her babies) and look at the eggs. It probably took almost a week until on Easter Sunday one of the eggs hatched! There was a precious little dove baby sitting in the nest next to an unhatched egg.

And the next day - there were TWO!! Two healthy little doves in the nest. It is awesome how the mama dove protects them. She sits on the babies all day and then when I nicely shoo her off from the bedroom window she never goes too far away and she swoops around the nest until I have closed the window again. I haven't ever seen the dad around though, hmm!
The dove is one of the most important birds in the Bible. It was the one that brought back the olive branch to Noah signaling land in the vicinity. The dove also denotes the Holy Spirit in scripture. In Luke as Jesus was being baptized "the Holy Spirit descended on him in the bodily form of a dove." (Luke 3:22)
What an awesome symbol for our nursery!
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